Things you can do in your backyard


Share the sights of the season

Invite your family to play “I Spy with My Nature Eye” and post their photos, drawings, or paintings of spring sights on your Facebook page. Be sure to “tag” Mississippi Valley Conservancy so we can see and share them.


Keep a journal of “firsts”

On your own or with your family, start a journal of 2020 “firsts” seen on your walks or outside your windows – first robin, first baby rabbit, first crocus, first mosquito, etc. Make it an annual tradition to see what changes or stays the same each year.


Submit bird sightings

eBird transforms your bird sightings into science and conservation. Plan trips, find birds, track your lists, explore range maps and bird migration—all free. Details at


Provide native habitat on your property

Whether you live in the country or in the city, there are always things you can do to help birds and pollinators. From removing invasive species to converting your nonnative flowerbeds and landscaping to native plant species.


Build a bat house

You can provide a summer home for Wisconsin's threatened bat species with these tips and a design from the Wisconsin Bat Program.